45000 SGB Give Away ! | Delegate 500 WSGB To Enter

UPDATED UPDATE! - Second Chance Draw for 5000 SGB for epoch 11!

Keep your 500 (or more) tokens delegated to FTSO AU for epoch 11 and you'll receive 2 entries into the draw. New delegations of 500 (or more) will receive 1 entry.

Second Chance Draw to be drawn at the end of epoch 11, after December 11th.

Details on the prize draw as follows.

All prizes will be randomly drawn and awarded after the end of epoch 10, from Saturday the 4th of December 2021. Prizes will be automatically sent to winners. We'll notify you by Twitter when all prizes have been distributed, so you'll know to check your balance.

Thanks for taking part in the BIGGEST Give Away Songbird has seen .... GOOD LUCK!

We're Running The Biggest Give Away Songbird Has Seen!

So far, we've generated well over 4.5 million SGB for our delegators, so what better way to celebrate than to run the BIGGEST give away on Songbird to date - 45,000 SGB!

There's 3 major and 100 minor prizes - Just delegate 500 WSGB to FTSO AU in epoch 10 for your chance to win.

1st Prize - 20,000 SGB

2nd Prize - 10,000 SGB

3rd Prize - 5,000 SGB

4th to 104th Prize - 100 SGB

Epoch 10 starts at 08:41 UTC on Saturday 27th of November. You'll need to have your delegation locked in before Thursday 14:41 UTC to be eligible for entry into the competition. More info on the timing of reward epochs can be found here.

All prizes will be randomly drawn and awarded after the end of epoch 10, from Saturday the 4th of December 2021. Prizes will be automatically sent to winners. We'll notify you by Twitter when all prizes have been distributed, so you'll know to check your balance.